So it's been a while?
Check your NAT status (Settings and then Network). If it's 'Open' you are all set to go. If it's 'Moderate' or 'Strict' then you should try and fix it (there is a separate article about this). At the very least it's worth 'rebooting' your router.
Set up your Discord;
- 1. Set up a Discord account (it's a huge social/gaming chat platform).
- 2. Join the "Halo Nites" discord.
- 3. Go to your Xbox settings and "Enable Remote Features".
- 4. Go to "Connections" in Discord and click the Xbox icon to link the accounts.
- 5. Check that there is now a "Discord" option on your Xbox under the "Parties & Chats" tab.
- The Discord (chat).
- The Fireteam (game).
They are different groups. You can be in the same chat and be playing in different games (squad, fireteam, roster, etc).
If things aren't working send me an SMS. Sometimes you actually need an invite to get in (I don't why). And if you are stalling (spinning in the fireteam list) I will boot you from the Fireteam (don't take it personally) and then invite you to come back in.
Don't ask Batty for an invite. You've been warned.
Instructions for joining are at the top of the page.
There will be multiple channels to choose from. Select 'General' to join all chat.
When we split into teams we may move into separate channels for each team; Eagle and Cobra.
When the game is over you will need to slip back into General.
If we are in a custom game you will join immediately.
If we are in an online game you will be queued and will have to wait until we're finished.
- 'X' to record clip (last 30 secs)
- 'Y' to take a screenshot.
You can view these later on Xbox or PC (using the Xbox app or through a third party website eg. If you want to edit them before showing off on Facebook - I've been using Clipchamp (online / free video editor).
Don't wander around the map aimlessly. You should run from cover to cover. Getting caught in the open and being shot by multiple assailants is the fastest way to die.
Each time; Reload. Check your radar. Think about changing weapon. Count your 'nades. What equipment do you have?
Peek out from behind cover. Step sideways while pre-aiming where you think the enemy is. If you come under fire then step back behind cover immediately. A quick step out and back is called "jiggle peeking".
If the enemy knows where you are the chances are they coming for you (or at least throwing grenades). Retreat.
Stick with other players. There is safety in numbers. Choose a better player and sit a few metres behind them. Provide covering fire and try and pick up as many assists as you can. The best contribution you can make as a Sponge is to pepper the enemy with pot shots and make it easier for someone else to get a kill.
When you are engaged in a gun fight - don't panic. Strafe (move left / right) and crouch / shoot. Work out a couple of basic strafes so you don't have to think about. eg. Short left, long right, short left, long left. Mix it up. Crouching is important at the end as it may throw off their head shot. But the idea is to get the hang of moving and changing your aim as you go.
If you are winning the gun fight try and move slowly backwards. Don't let them get an easy trade with a melee.
The quickest way to die in a gun fight is to;
a) Reload.
b) Jump.
c) Chuck a 'nade.
d) Melee too soon.
Players have shields - and it doesn't matter where you shoot them to damage those shields (head to toe). Once you see their shields pop (electricity crackles) then go for the head shots (damage multiplier) for a faster kill.
For example the Bandit EVO is 7 body shots for a kill. Or you can land a perfect with 4 body shots to break the shields and then pop them with a head shot. It's essentially 5 shots vs 7.
Head to the shooting range and practice using the weapons. Make sure you are comfy with the Battle Rifle, Assault Rifle, Bandit EVO, and SMG (M4SK).
Fire up the Training Simulator. Set the number of friendly bots to 0 so that you are the only player on your team. Change the difficult of the enemy bots. Give yourself unlimited ammo and deathless. Run around and practice your fire-fights. Try not to let your shields get popped.
Never die with a grenade in your pocket. Chuck 'em all..
Frag grenades bounce off walls. Plasma ones stick. Spike grenades have bouncy fragments. Dynamo grenades damage shields and slow down movement.
Sprint + crouch = slide.
Halo Infinite doesn't have thrust, charging, ground pound, or hover.
Know your weapons;
- SMG (M45K) or Assault Rifle in close.
- Bandit or Sidewinder (pistol) in the middle.
- Commando or Sniper for long range.
Swapping weapons is faster than reloading.
The sword is insane in Infinite. The player moves faster and has a very long lunge (attack distance). If you know the opposition has the sword make sure you have sticky grenades (and selected). It's a sacrifice play but you can concentrate on sticking the sword player as they basically run straight at you.
Equipment; you pick up and then activate to use. Overshield and Camo last about 30 seconds. The grappleshot has 5 uses (you can use when whatever surface you are looking at turns the reticule yellow). Thrusters act similarly to the way they did in Halo 5. The repulsor can push back enemies and/or bullets (it's especially good for rockets), or be used as you jump (look down) to get extra height. The Quantum Relocator is a portable teleporter; the first press sets up a location and then the second press teleports you back to that spot.
Game Types;
CTF; has two flags in play. You must have your flag at home to score.
Oddball; hold the Oddball for 100 seconds to win the round (best of three). You move slowly and can't shoot with the oddball. You can melee though - but it's a two hit kill (unlike older Halo games where it was a one hit kill).
Strongholds; there are three zones (A, B, C) and you have to be holding at least two to score (double scoring if you have all three). The more people in each zone the faster it switches to your team.